Our AUP ( Acceptable Use Policy ) and TOS (Terms of Service) policies are provided to give our customers and users a clear understanding of what SMBS INFOLAB expects of them while using the service.

Those who access some of our Services but do not have accounts, as well as those who pay a service fee to subscribe to the Services, must comply with this AUP and our TOS (Terms of Service). Use of SMBS INFOLAB Service constitutes acceptance and agreement toSMBS INFOLAB AUP as well as SMBS INFOLAB TOS (Terms of Service)

We support the uncensored flow of information and ideas over the Internet and do not actively monitor subscriber activity under normal circumstances. Similarly, we do not exercise editorial control over the content of any web site, e-mail transmission, newsgroups, or other material created or accessible over or through the services, except for certain proprietary Web sites. However, in accordance with our TOS (Terms of Service), we may remove any materials that, in our sole discretion, may be illegal, may subject us to liability, or which may violate this AUP.

SMBS INFOLAB may cooperate with legal authorities and/or third parties in the investigation of any suspected or alleged crime or civil wrongdoing. Your violation of this AUP may result in the suspension or immediate termination of either your Netmagics.com account. This document is intended to provide a basic understand of SMBS INFOLAB Acceptable Use Policy.

We make no representation that the domain name you wish to register is capable of being registered by or for you or that it will be registered in your name. You should not assume registration of your requested domain name(s) until you have been notified that it has been registered.

The registration and use of your domain name is subject to the terms and conditions of use applied by the relevant naming authority; ICANN in the case of .COM/NET/ORG and Nominet in the case of domain names ending with .UK you shall ensure that you are aware of those terms and conditions and that you comply with them. You shall have no right to bring any claim against us in respect of refusal to register a domain name. Any administration charge paid by you to us shall be non-refundable notwithstanding refusal by the naming authority to register your desired name.

We shall have no liability in respect of the use by you of any domain name; any dispute between you and any other person must be resolved between the parties concerned in such dispute. If any such dispute arises, we shall be entitled, at our discretion and without giving any reason, to withhold, suspend or cancel the domain name. We shall also be entitled to make representations to the relevant naming authority but will not be obliged to take part in any such dispute.

We shall not release any domain to another provider unless full payment for that domain has been received by us. All charges payable by you for the Services shall be in accordance with the scale of charges and rates published from time to time by us on our web site and shall be due and payable in advance of our service provision.

Without prejudice to our other rights and remedies under this Agreement, if any sum payable is not paid on or before the due date, we shall be entitled forthwith to suspend the provision of Services to you.

You shall indemnify us and keep us indemnified and hold us harmless from and against any breach by you of these terms of business and any claim brought against us by a third party resulting from the provision of Services by us to you and your use of the Services.

If you fail to pay any sums due to us as they become due, we may suspend the Services and/or terminate this Agreement forthwith without notice to you.

If you break any of these terms and conditions and you fail to correct the breach within seven (7) days following written notice from us specifying the breach, we may terminate this Agreement forthwith.

If you are a and you go into insolvent liquidation or suffer the appointment of an administrator or administrative receiver or enter into a voluntary arrangement with your creditors, we shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement forthwith.

On termination of this Agreement or suspension of the Services we shall be entitled immediately to block your Web Site and to remove all data located on it. We shall be entitled to delete all such data but we may, at our discretion, hold such data for such period as we may decide to allow you to collect it at your expense, subject to payment in full of any amounts withstanding and payable to us.

The following are guidelines for the establishment and enforcement of SMBS INFOLAB AUP:
Ensure reliable service to our customers.

Ensure security and privacy of our systems and network, as well as the networks and systems of others.

Comply with existing laws Maintain our reputation as a responsible service provider.

Encourage responsible use of the Internet and discourage activities which reduce the usability and value of Internet services.

Preserve the value of Internet resources as a conduit for free expression and exchange of information.

Preserve the privacy and security of individual users Netmagics.com intends to provide its customers access to everything the Internet has to offer.

While SMBS INFOLAB is firmly committed to the principles of free speech, certain activities that may be damaging to the resources of both the Netmagics.com and the Internet and cannot be permitted under the guise of free speech. The resources of the Netmagics.com and the Internet are limited, and abuse of these resources by one user has a negative impact on the entire community. We do not routinely monitor the activity of accounts except for measurements of system utilization and the preparation of billing records. However, in our efforts to promote good citizenship within the Internet community, we will respond appropriately if we become aware of inappropriate use of our service.

You may not use your virtual site to publish material, which SMBS INFOLAB determines, at its sole discretion, to be unlawful, indecent or objectionable. For purposes of this policy, “material” refers to all forms of communications including narrative descriptions, graphics (including photographs, illustrations, images, drawings, logos), executable programs, video recordings, and audio recordings. If aSMBS INFOLAB account is used to violate the Acceptable Use Policy or our TOS, we reserve the right to terminate your service. We prefer to advise customers of inappropriate behavior and any necessary corrective action, however, flagrant violations of the Acceptable Use Policy will result in immediate termination of service. Our failure to enforce this policy, for whatever reason, shall not be construed as a waiver of our right to do so at any time. As a member of our network community, you must use your Internet access responsibly. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact us at SMBS INFOLAB LLC